Sunday, December 29, 2019

Absolute Write is Temporarily offline

Right now, we're asking people to stay off Absolute Write.

The server is not working right; we know what the issue is, but it's going to take some time to get it fixed.

Please stay away for the the time being, until AW Admin gives the all clear.

This is a great time to work on writing. Or catch up on your reading.

Contact Points



We are asking people to tell muse their AW Username when they sign up to the AW Facebook Group, so we can avoid spammers. 

Y'all can post there once you join, but please be patient. 

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Thank you, and We're Back

Thanks for your patience. The forums are back on, and the hamsters are enjoying their well-deserved dinner.

Absolute Write Forum Maintenance January 30, 2019

Now that we’ve changed the SSL security certificates, we’re going to shut down AW for some maintenance tonight, Wednesday January 30 2019.

Shutdown starts at 8 PM Eastern U.S. Time, 5 PM Pacific Time.

I don’t expect maintenance to last more than two hours.

Please, for the love of hamsters, just log off or close all AW tabs and windows. 

There are a few members who refresh obsessively when we’re shut down for maintenance.

This causes delays and frustration because there are things we really shouldn’t do if people are logged on and on the site.

Please be patient, and close AW tabs and windows so you’re not perceived as active by the forum software.

We’ll announce that the forums are back on these places:

On Twitter

On Facebook
AW Facebook Page

On the brand new Absolute Write Status Blog. (You’re reading it!)